Over 20 Revelers Drown in Lake Victoria During X-Mas Festive Season


Over 20 revelers who had raided several beaches on the shores of Lake Victoria in Entebbe during the Christmas season didn’t return home to share their happiness and joy.

This follows after they drowned in several beaches including Sports Beach, Lido, Spennah and Aero Beach where they had travelled to happen and chill during the festive season.

The bodies were discovered by the beach patrol security who saw the bodies floating on the beach shores in pajamas in the wee hours of the night on boxing day (Saturday) and in the early morning hours on Sunday and Monday. Sources from the beach indicate that so far 16 bodies have been retrieved from the lake and that there could still be more.

The revelers ate lots of fried fish and guzzled booze non-stop and partied hard in the lake like the world was ending tomorrow. Police picked up the bodies and delivered them to Mulago Hospital mortuary where the deceased’s relatives are picking them. All the deceased are male.

Beach staff in shock after spotting body floating on lake shores

The Entebbe International Airport police O/C Station Gloria Turinawe confirmed the incident and indicated that police will hold a meeting with beach operators to find a way forward.

It is very unfortunate that those who had travelled to the beach to enjoy their Christmas have died. We are going to hold a meeting with all beach operators to ensure that such an incident doesn’t happen again. We have to introduce strict laws to safe guard the lives of those who party in the lake. We want to ensure that by 6pm no one is partying in the beach waters. Turinawe stated.


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