An Unforgettable Gorilla Trekking Experience in Rwanda

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Experience

Rwanda is a country of thousands of hills that is becoming a powerhouse tourism destination in Africa due to its abundance of natural biodiversity. Biodiversity is one of the best tourist attractions because it cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Many people use this natural biodiversity for research or just for fun but it can also act as therapy – for instance, hot springs that are used to cleanse the body. As Africa becomes more urbanized, Rwanda has taken this opportunity to conserve and preserve its natural resources so that they can protect their natural resources for not only the present generation but also the future generation.

Rwanda’s tourist attractions include wildlife, lakes, mountains, and cultural and historical sites. Although Rwanda offers a lot of attractions, there is one that is the most sought after and that is the mountain gorillas in the Virunga region at Volcanoes National Park.

These primates are a critically endangered species and there are only about 1060 mountain gorillas are left in the world. The mountain gorillas are only found in three countries in the world – Rwanda, Uganda and The Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda protects almost a third of the population of mountain gorillas left in the world.

Rwanda has habituated about twelve families of gorillas for tourist visits. A variety of gorilla tours in the Volcanoes National Park Rwanda are on offer by several tour companies for tourists to see these mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

Mountain gorilla trekking involves hiking through the bamboo forest of the Virunga volcanoes to find these gorillas. You can stay with the gentle giants for one-hour maximum and are allowed to take photos and videos. It is an amazing experience to get up close to these peaceful beasts.

Many tourists give fantastic reviews about the gorilla trekking experience and many come back to track these primates again. They have unforgettable and everlasting memories about meeting the gorillas and we think it’s fair to say that whoever has come to Rwanda has never regretted their stay here.


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