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11th Edition of Inter Forces Games Tournament Launched

The heads of the institutions participating in the 11th edition of Interforces Games championship and tournament ,2013, have today officially launched the programme for the event which kicks off with range fire at Kigo Prison grounds on Monday November 18.

The heads included Dr. Johnson Byabashaija the commissioner General for Uganda Prisons Service,Dr. Andrew Ggunga Seguya the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer  Uganda Wildlife Authority and Lt. Col.Bintabara from the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces .Uganda Police Force was represented by Mr. Wilberforce Mutete.

Dr. Seguya said these games promote unity and coherence among the sister forces adding that they all work together in ensuring the security of the visitors to the parks,the staff and tourism infrastructure and investments.

Below is the statement of the Uganda Prisons Service boss who is the host this year.

Background :
Inter Forces sports Gala is an annual event that has been jointly organized by UPDF,UPF,UPS and UWA since 2002.This was to rekindle  the past glory of
post independent Uganda . No wonder soccer teams viz.Simba, Police and Maroons have played a dominant role in Uganda,s Football . Likewise  the
legacy of Akii Bua(Police) Lubega(UPDF), and Kiprotich (Prisons) is Key to Uganda,s sports history.
Following a string of successes by uniformed officers at the National,Regional,and International  sports arena;H.E the President of the Republic of Uganda and Commander in  Chief of the armed Forces directed the security heads to identify,nurture and promote sports talents. As part of the fulfillment of the Presidential directive,UPS is proud to host the 11th Edition of the INTERFORCES  GAMES under the theme:  ” Enhancing Patriotism and Nationalism through Sports”.

To strengthen partnership and promotion of team work between sister forces, To take stock  of the sports talent/potential  and make forces a sports
hub  in Uganda, To reinforce the complimentary roles of security forces in promotion of heathy competition and Unity of purpose through sports.

On a high note ,I wish to thank the able leadership of the sister forcesthat has enabled us to sustain this noble cause.On behalf of UPS,and my own
wish to pledge maximum cooperation,and shall leave no stone unturned  in promotion of sports in Uganda .
The games package for the 11th Edition include; Range shooting,football ,basketball ,netball ,handball,darts,and Athletics. The games have attracted
about 500 participants from the four sister forces.
For purpose of giving the competition the pedigree  it deserves officiation is done by professionals from various National sports Federations.

The sports Gala is exclusively funded from the humble contributions of the four sister forces. A budget of about 103 million shillings will suffice,in
conducting these games.


1. Kigo prison  Range ground will host  shooting exercise.
2.Mandela National stadium  will be venue for Athletics.
3. Luzira sports complex  will be home to other games.


18/11/13       8.00A.M.   Opening ceremony for the shooting exercise, Kigo.
25/11/13.    01.00P.M.   Official opening of  INTERFORCES  games 11th
Edition, Luzira.
26/11/13.   8.00AM         Athletics ,Namboole.

30/11/13.  02.00PM.           Official closure,Luzira .

In conclusion,on behalf of UPS and my own ,hereby invite fellow Ugandans,media fraternity and cooperate world to turn up in large numbers
and enjoy themselves . Let us cooperate and develop  sports in Uganda

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