UBL Builds Underground Tanks To Improve Accessibility Of Water At Mbarara Hospital


Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) has constructed 200,000litres underground tanks to harvest all the rainwater at Mbarara Referral Hospital buildings as way to improve on accessibility of water at the hospital.

This initiative will help the hospital save Shs9 million a month in water bills. It will also benefit at least 800,000 people in the Western Uganda as part of Uganda Brewery’s Water of Life programme.

The tank water will be used throughout the entire hospital and for all relevant inpatient and outpatient requirements.

This water reservoir harvesting system has a capacity of 248,000litres in three reserve tanks fitted with a filtration and pumping system.

The Minister of Health Ruhakana Rugunda commissioned off the water project at Mbarara Referral Hospital.

He said the project leveraged Uganda’s advancement to achieving Millennium Development Goal 7 which aims to halve the proportion of people living without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation.

This 630 million shilling donation comes few days after Mulago Referral Hospital was disconnected off water due to debts. The situation led to a standoff of operations in the hospital.

However, Mbarara Hospital Administrator, Charles Tumusiime said the new tanks would cut the hospital bills from Shs18 million a month from 2400 cubic metres to Shs9 million.

Uganda Breweries funded the project through Diageo and EABL Foundation and has over the years, played a significant role in providing access to clean, sustainable safe water in Uganda.


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