NRM Announces Heads of Parliamentary Committees


The ruling NRM party has announced heads of parliamentary committees for the 9th parliament. The heads of committees and their deputies were first made known by the government chief whip John Nasasira to the NRM caucus meeting held this afternoon before they were announced before the House.

The Peace, Recovery and Development Plan was launched in October 2007 and  implementation took off in July 2008, with the overall goal of consolidating peace and security and also to lay a foundation for recovery and development for Northern Uganda.

During the three years of implementation, PRDP has made significant strides  to the economic transformation of the 55 districts & 9 municipalities that make up the greater north.

Amama Mbabazi – Prime Minister of Uganda

Over 590 million dollars has been committed to different projects in the region. Even then the region has remained the poorest in the country and this is tagged on several challenges, like infrastructure and land conflicts among others.

Janet Museveni – Minister for Karamoja Affairs

The Prime Minister also revealed that the land conflicts are impacting negatively on government’s strategy to industrialize the north. The review meeting today also called for proper accountability and value for money, as PRDP goes into the next stage.

Rebecca Otengo – Minister of State For Northern Uganda

In full support of extending the plan, development partners who also contribute 70% of the funds, insist the next stage should be firmly rooted within the national development context, with a view to strengthen local capacity.

Theophane Nikyema – UNDP Resident Representative

Next year government hopes to focus on infrastructure development like the hydropower project at Karuma, giving support to the most vulnerable individuals and reintegration of former rebels, child soldiers and women.


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