Museveni Urges Public to use Availed Infrastructure to Fight Poverty

Museveni Switch

President Yoweri Museveni urges Ugandans to utilize the availed infrastructure such as roads, electricity and factories to fight poverty out of their households and country.

He said this as he commissioned off a Shs 21billion rural electrification project in Mubende district on Friday.

The President urged Ugandans to differentiate between development and household wealth by making good use of the availed power and other development infrastructure provided by the government to get out of poverty.

He commissioned off a new power line which connects several towns and villages in counties in Mubende and Kyenjojo districts to the national grid and is part of a bigger power extension programme worth 100bn shillings.

The project is jointly funded by the Norwegian and Uganda governments.

Meanwhile, another Shs 200million has been provided towards the connection of customers on the Pre-paid metre systems and already 500 people have been connected.

Museveni said since, “we have telephones, the roads infrastructure is growing, electricity is expanding and business is growing,” people should use the resources to develop their businesses.

He also hinted on the opposition leaders who always mislead Ugandans on development issues and requested the people of Mubende to ignoring them and supporting government programmes.

“One by one makes a bundle. Things need money. The opposition thinks they just talk and things happen. We can’t make miracles. We have to sweat,” Museveni said.

“It is only Jesus who turned water into wine. I can’t manage that. Mine is to sweat. We must work to earn.”

He said if the government attracts rich investors, the public should not frustrate them because they bring in money in terms of taxes and also create jobs for our people.

“Work or development doesn’t just happen, it is from factories and companies of these rich people that we get taxes.”

Museveni added that by providing infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water and education institutions, the government was merely providing basics for Ugandans to utilize, generate wealth and better their lives and said that if the population don’t do that the infrastructure would be useless.

“Development such as infrastructure just facilitate wealth creation and if you don’t make good use of development to generate wealth infrastructure will remain in place while you continue to live in poverty” the President warned.


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