Gulu College Students Riot Over Study Tour Fees

Gulu College Students

Students at Gulu College Secondary school in Bar-dege-Layibi division on Thursday were engaged in a violent protest over what they called “exorbitant” study tour fees being charged by the school.

The S.4 and S.6 students had reportedly paid 50,000 shillings for a study tour and they were supposed to go this Friday. The school authorities then reportedly told the students that the venue where they were supposed to go had been occupied, and that they would instead go to another place in Unyama sub-county.

One of the students who spoke to our reporter on condition of anonymity said the students rejected going to Unyama because it is too close to the school and not worth Shs. 50,000.

The learners demanded part of the money to be refunded.”Some of these teachers are arrogant, they refused to listen to us even after meeting with the student leaders” the student said. A meeting was convened between the School administration and the student leaders but it ended prematurely as the school heads stood their ground.

At 1pm, some of the students moved out of the gate and started banging on the gates.


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