Uganda Marks 4 Years After July 11th 2010 Kampala Bombings


Today marks four years after the Somali militant group – the Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility of the twin bombings in Kampala that left 74 killed and 70 injured as they watched the 2010 World Cup Final match.

On July 11th, 2010 Kampala attacks were suicide bombings carried out against crowds  as they watched World Cup at Kyadondo Rugby Club in Nakawa and the Ethiopian Village in Kabalagala.

The Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility of the attacks saying it was in retaliation of Uganda sending its troops in Somalia.

“We warned Uganda not to deploy troops to Somalia; they ignored us,” said Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, al-Shabab’s spokesman. “We warned them to stop massacring our people, and they ignored that. The explosions in Kampala were only a minor message to them. … We will target them everywhere if Uganda does not withdraw from our land.”

This was the first attack by the Somali militants in Uganda.

However, despite the attacks, Uganda army refused to withdraw its troops from Somalia.

“Al-Shabaab is the reason why we should stay in Somalia. We have to pacify Somalia,” said Lt. Col. Felix Kulaigye, who was then the army spokesperson of Uganda.

Uganda has since them been on alert to prevent any more attacks from the terrorists group.


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