UWA Puts up Glamorous Performance at Trade Shows


On her third appearance at the Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF) held annually at the Lugogo Show Grounds, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) put up a stunning show of the country’s wildlife resources during the 7-day fair.

On display were models of the Murchison Falls and the country’s two biggest mountains, Mt. Elgon and the Rwenzori Mountains. Videos on different aspects of wildlife in Uganda, photographs, paintings and models of wild animals such as gorillas, elephants and giraffes constantly attracted show goers including school children, expatriates, diplomats, and Ugandans.

The main attraction however were the live snakes just outside the UWA stall, which were commandeered by snake expert, Yasin Kazibwe who kept the crowds entertained and spellbound by the way he handled and communicated with the snakes, which included a forest cobra, two Gabon viper, green mamba, British Anescondas, atheris nische, and a monitor lizard.

The crowds, which always gathered at the UWA stall as soon as the gates opened, got to know how snakes behave, how to avoid them, and their conservation value, among others.

UWA also used a variety of animal costumes to depict the behaviour of certain animals such as the lion, the chimpanzee and the gorilla. These greatly excited the school children many of who won gifts after correctly answering the set quiz questions.

Also of interest to the show-goers was the scrolling stand, which showcased the different attractions in our protected areas.

This alluring performance was repeated on 17th October 2005 during a one-day trade fair at Speke Resort Munyonyo that was attended by President Yoweri Museveni.

Prominent people that visited the UWA stall during both functions included H.E the President of Uganda, Vice President H.E Gilber Bukenya, prominent businessman Mr. James Mulwana and former Minister of Tourism Trade and Industry among others.


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