Don’t Fear Soldiers – Besigye

Besigye Campaigns

The Forum for Democratic Change presidential flag-bearer, Col. Kizza Besigye, has advised his supporters not to be scared by the heavy deployment of armed officers in the city and various parts of the country ahead of the polls. “Do not get scared. Soldiers are meant to protect you. Make sure you turn up on the polling day and determine the political destiny of your country,” Besigye said. He re-iterated his earlier appeal to his supporters not to disrupt the voting process. Besigye, who was addressing his last rallies yesterday in parts of Nakawa and Kawempe divisions, was flanked by his wife, Winnie Byanyima, and Gen. Mugisha Muntu.

Byanyima asked voters not to give in to intimidation. Muntu warned those who are planning to disrupt the Inter-Party Co-operation (IPC) camp: “We are ready to see Ugandans determine their country’s political direction and we shall not allow intimidation,” he said.

Besigye, who is the IPC flag-bearer, is making a third attempt at the presidential race, having lost to President Yoweri Museveni in the previous two elections. He said he was rigged out of victory, especially in the in 2006 polls and that the results of the polls were not the right representation of what Ugandans wanted.


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